Friday, September 29, 2006

What is Ramadan

Assalamu Alaikum!
Peace and blessings be upon you

What is Ramadan

Ramadan is the name 9th month of Islamic moon calender.It is very impotent because it is the month that the glorious Kura'an was first sent down from Allah to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihiwasallam,
During Ramadan Muslims must fast.We don't eat or drink during dawn and sunset,and we should be very careful to speak and behave in the right way.
we learn many fasting things during Ramadan, it is the time to increase the remembrance of Allah,and remember the blessing which we have been given.
We learn how to be thankful for the good things normally take for granted.
after fasting all day we realize how wonderful food and drink taste, so we thank Allah more sincerely for providing for the enough to eat and satisfying out thirst,
Ramadan is a good form of training,they may come moments time in life when things are not easy, and we have to carry on Even though it is difficult.By fastin we learn to be patient in such times.Which control our self and our bodies.This is called self discipline.
During this holy month the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihiwasallam Said,
"The doors of heaven are open and the Doors of Hell closed and the devils are Chained"
This helps us to see our selfs what we really are,Not under the influence of unseen evil forces,We can watch and improve our selfs more specially by reading the kura'an and going to the musjid,Joining in the Tharavih prayer.
In Ramadan there is a Special night,It is better than one thousand months,It is called Lailathul Kathur,its the night that the Kura'an first reviewed, its a night all our sins can forgiven.
Fasting is also important because it makes the rich equal to the poor,It gives them a chance to realise what life is like for the less fortunate those who have little no food.This helps them to become more charitable and give there wealth to the needy so they too share the blessings of Allah which are enough for all.
Jazzak Allah,

Taken From One of the Yusuf Islam's Albums.


At 6:39 AM , Blogger LookingForJannah said...

Asalaamu'Alaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh

Masha'Allah, jazakum'Allahu khyrn for this.
Brother..are you ok?Why did you close your YT account :'(

La ilaha illAllah Muhammadur Rasul Allah

At 6:24 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I said Lam(islam) Mula Ikut (Assalam mualaikum).

Dalam banyak2 Agama, Agama apakah yang tak menyembah TUHAN?
DALAM BANYAK2 AGAMA, AGAMA YANG TIDAK MENYEMBAH TUHAN, ADALAH AGAMA ISLAM. Kerana satu2 Agama yang tidak ada TUHAN Hanyalah AGAMA ISALAM. Dalam dua kalimah shahadat pengakuan itu sudah pun di nyatakan. “ Aku naik saksi Bahawasanya tiada TUHAN yang aku sembah melainkan ALLAH dan bahawasanya aku naik saksi Nabi MUHAMMAD itu persuruh ALLAH”. Dan di dalam kalimah mengatakan, “ tiada TUHAN melainkan ALLAH”

Tapi saya sungguh high run(HAIRAN) kenapa didalam doa dan khutbah imam2 dan juga ustaz2 masih lagi menggunnakan perkataan TUHAN DIDALAM IBADAH. Bagaimana kah ibadah yang kita laksanakan mahu di kabulkan oleh ALLAH SWT.
Mari kita ruju didalam surat iklas, satu2 surat yang paling iklas ,tidak lain yang iklas melainkan surat iklas. Surat yg mengenal kedudukkkan ALLAH yg sebenar2nya.” Qul hu wallah hu ahadd allah hu samadd lam yalid walam yuladd walam yakulu kupuhan AHADD.” KATAKANLAH: “ YA MUHAMMAD ALLAH YANG MAHA ESA, ALLAH ADALAH SANYA TIADA SEKUTU BAGINYA, ALLAH TIADA BERANAK DAN TIADA PULA DIPERANAKKAN, DAN TIDAK ADA SEORANGPUN YANG SETARA DENGANNYA. ALLAH.”
Di sini cuba dan tolonglah fahamkan yang ALLAH SWT sudahpun menerangkan dan menegaskan kepada MUHAMMAD.”KATAKANLAH YA MUHAMMAD YANG ALLAH ITU MAHA eSA. Bukanlah seperti imam2 dan ustaz2 ketika berada diatas mimbar dan juga didalam kitab2 dan akbar2,mengatakan ALLAH itu Tuhan dan Tuhan itu ALLAH. Sedang didlam surat iklas sudah pun ALLAH Wahyukan pada NABI MUHAMMAD TERANG DAN JELAS sesungguhnya al-quran tiada keraguan pada org yg beriman dan bertakwa. “ Allah hu samadd (ALLAH ADALAH SANYA TIADA SEKUTU BAGINYA).”
Tapi ada org yg konon pandai menafsirkan yg rabbi berperetian Tuhan. Apa ada kaitannya RABBI dgn Tuhan. Klau nak tahu YG MENYEMBAH YAA AL RABBI itu adalah tuhan,TUHAN DISINI MAKSUDNYA ADALAH GIN/JIN. Yg bermaksud, sebenarnya maklud yg bernama Jin menyembah ALLAH yg bernama Yaa Rabbi. Klau manusia menyembah yg bernama ALLAH. ( bismillah hir rahman nir rahim) dgn nama allah yg maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang. Maka jin/gin menyembah yg bernama Yaa Rabbi. Rujulah didlm kitab al-quran. Sebaiknya qatam kanlah ilmu al-quran terlebih dahulu baru ketahui dimana kedudukkan ilmu ini. Ilmu apakah yg mengatam ilmu al-quran, bukan hanya pandai baca al-quran. Anak kecil pun pandai membaca al-quran dan dah qatam berkali2.


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